Success Story from a New Medical Graduate who finally triumphed in the end.


The graduation of a student from medical school is a life-changing event. It is especially so when the student had a tough and challenging period while studying.

Dr. Abu Michael Ochoechi‘s story is unique and inspires. He failed but passed on to the next level for each year he sat for the professional exams. He passed his final exam and is set for graduation from the prestigious Madonna University, Nigeria.

Dr. Michael shared his story with us and I want you to read his words and rejoice with yet another success story.

My Story – I believe it will bless a life.

I Graduated from Federal Government college Wukari (Class of 07) with 8 Distinctions.
On Entering medical school, everything turned upside down.
I took my 2nd MBBS and failed Biochemistry I enjoyed the most. I was devastated. I encouraged myself and continued.

3rd MBBS The same experience happened again.

4th MBBS The same experience again and I failed O and G that I enjoyed the most.

5th and Final MBBS The same experience happened and I failed and Stepped Down.

I have never repeated a class in my life before and I said Whaaaaat” Devil this is the height of it.

I voraciously increased my appetite for the things of God, Got connected to what God is doing with Pst(Dr) Paul Enenche, Apostle Johnson Suleiman and Apostle Joshua Selman.

I masticated and downloaded their messages into my system until it became impregnated in my Bone marrow.

The Devil came again, Mike you are not Confident, you are not Competent, look at the workload, where will u start from, u will fail again and that will be your end.

And I said DEVIL, “God told me I am going to be a Medical Doctor, I will fulfill my own part of the deal by studying and praying and I will stay on the word and die here and let God apologize to me if he lied but I will stay.

Beloved! God did not fail me. I stood my ground on the word and he made me a Medical Doctor Today.

I write this with tears almost dropping from my eyes to encourage someone. What are you going through and you feel all hope is lost, hold fast to the word, he will not allow your trust in him to be aborted.

If you don’t believe in Miracles, read my life, I am a Living Testimony.

Matt 6:33 – you can’t do God’s work and he abandons you unattended to.

God is too faithful to fail

Don’t Give up, There is always light at the end of the Tunnel. God bless you!

Dr Michael.


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