The lock-down that followed the Coronavirus pandemic forced the postponement of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria NPMCN, May-June 2020 Fellowship Examination.
As the country gradually opens up for business, the College has also started orienting itself to carry out its core functions. Faculty training and Board meetings have started virtually as have College ad-hoc and statutory committee meetings.
The question we have received from numerous Fellows and Associate Fellows is “When are we scheduling the postponed Fellowship Examinations?”. The answer to this question is not just to satisfy curiosity.
It is to get the residents to write the examinations and the Faculties prepare.
New examination dates really depends on the virus and the guidelines from the relevant government committees. Four weeks after the following conditionalities are met, the examinations will take place;
- Reopening of interstate travel
- Reopening of airports
- Derestriction of congregation of up to 50 people.
Even when these conditions are met, the College will ensure the basic public health requirement like basic hygiene, social distancing, and masks are enforced in the CBT and other examination centers.
Prof. Owoidoho Udofia, FMCPsych
College Registrar