The 2nd NMA National Health Summit held under the theme “Patient-Centered Care” and subtheme: Improving the Nigerian Health Indices; Interprofessional Relationship; Brain Drain and Brain Gain; Universal Health Coverage: Public-Private Partnerships and Reversing Medical Tourism.
The Summit:
1). AFFIRMING that healthcare professionals must jettison the traditional care pattern where patients and relations contribute minimally to the decisions about their care and should embrace the industry based patient-centered care approach where the ‘customer is king’.
2). RE-AFFIRMING that strong political will, transparent procurement process, public enlightenment, innovativeness, and periodic auditing are very important success factors necessary for implementing a Private Public Partnership.
3). DEEPLY CONCERNED the increasing trend of outbound medical tourism even for frivolous medical complaints especially political office holders depleting foreign reserves and contributing to weakening the system at home.
4). COMMITTING the government at all levels to provide an enabling environment for health professionals and the right policies which have the potential of reversing medical tourism.
5). RECOGNIZING the imperative of medical and dental practitioners to pay serious attention to the laws and ethics of the medical and dental professions as both ways of safeguarding their practices and strengthening healthcare delivery in Nigeria.
6). ACKNOWLEDGING the progress made thus far by the NMA to promote inter-professional harmonious relationships within the health sector, and urging NMA to sustain on-going bilateral and multilateral avenues in reaching out to all healthcare professional groups to promote harmony and entrench effective multi-disciplinary management for the patients.
7). COMMITTING to address the various key challenges confronting the attainment of Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria such as inadequate health care financing, out-of-pocket expenses for financing health by the majority, mal-distribution of human and material resources for health, restructuring and legally and administratively of the National Health Insurance Scheme and revitalization of the primary health care the port of entry into our healthcare system.
8). WORKING TOWARDS the full implementation of the National Health Act (2014) by all stakeholders at this is the panacea to the revamping of the collapsing health care system in Nigeria, and especially administering the BHCPF as stipulated by law.
9). DEPLOYING more sustainable sources of funding for healthcare delivery services, training and research in the health sector through extending TETFUND grants to Teaching Hospitals
10). DEFINING the specific and measurable outcomes by governments for international collaborations for capacity building in the health sector such as skills transfer.
11). EXPLORING the various channels by the government to facilitate single-digit interest loans for the health sector as has been done in virtually all other sectors and mandatory health insurance with a subsidized premium for the poor and vulnerable Nigerians.
12). ESTABLISHING schemes by governments to incentivize health human resource available and NMA to prepare a White Paper on Physician Wellness and submit to the WHO.
13). DELIBERATELY taking the advantage of State Peer Review Mechanisms and opportunities such as that in the Nigeria Governor’s Forum and ALGON as communities of practice to intensify advocacy and lobbying for health and showcasing progress made for learning.
14). TRANSITIONING to electronic medical records for hospitals in Nigeria should be embraced as very crucial by public and private health institutions for an effective recall of patients‘ information and further care.
15). STRENGTHENING all affiliates of NMA especially AGPMPN to mount an intensive and strategic advocacy programme through the various Chambers of Commerce to unveil the business opportunities available in the health sector for opportune Nigerians to invest in.
16). INSTITUTIONING a compulsory regular gap analysis in the health sector in order to improve service delivery, which should be done at least yearly by both States and Federal Ministries of Health.
17). ADVOCATING to the Federal and State Ministries of Health to prepare and present the “Annual Report of the state of health of Nigerians and the health system” as prescribed in the National Health Act (2014) as a tracking mechanism to aid performance Evaluation in the sector.
18). CALLING on the Federal and State Government to increase the budgetary allocation to Health in compliance with the Abuja Declaration of 2001 which advocated for a minimum of 15% by all African Nation.
19). CONSTITUTING and inaugurating appropriate committees within and including other individuals and bodies outside the NMA that will initiate appropriate next steps towards the realization of the recommendations of the 2nd NMA National Health Summit for the collective good, happiness and prosperity of all Nigerians.
20). ENDORSING the aforementioned this, 8th November 2019.
Dr. Francis A. Faduyile Dr.
Odusote P. Olumuyiwa.