NMA Doctors Stamp: Official Step by Step Directions on How to Process and Get Yours


    Sequel to repeated enquiries on how to process and obtain the Nigerian Medical Association stamp, The team has responded with this detailed guidelines on how to obtain your customized stamp.

    The New NMA Stamp… (sample)

    Below is the step by step approach to obtaining a NMA Stamp;

    STEP 1:

    Make a payment of your required number of stamps at N50/stamp. There are 24 stamps/A4 size paper costing N1,200. Your request therefore should be in even numbers of papers e.g. 2, 4, 6 e.t.c papers.

    A minimum of two papers must be paid for; i.e N2400:00k. The payment should be done to your respective state chairman.

    STEP 2:

    The Chairman is to demand for evidence of payment of current practicing fee.

    STEP 3:

    You are to provide the following information to your respective state Chairman.

    • Full Names
    • University attended
    • Year of graduation
    • Folio number
    • MDCN Registration Number
    • Additional qualification Number if applicable
    • Speciality if applicable
    • State of Practice
    • Place of Practice

    STEP 4:

    The State Chairman is to forward all payments and data to d National secretariat.

    STEP 5:

    The National secretariat is to verify information from MDCN and thereafter process the stamps.

    STEP 6:

    Members are to collect their stamps from their state Chairmen thereafter.

    NOTE: Kindly bear with us for the rigorous nature of the process. This is aimed at securing the stamp through multistage verification exercise.

    STEP 7:

    Finally, we shall issue d stamps strictly on first to come first to be served basis.

    Remember any profession without gatekeepers to safeguard it is not worth it’s name.



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